You described yourself as tall, dark and handsome. Have you ever considered a career in fiction writing?

But Dear, I did ask you to marry me. Didn’t you get my e-mail?

The doctor said he needed more activity. So I hide his T.V. remote three times a week.

Here’s to the end of a perfect first date!

They should update this on-line dating service. One woman is looking for someone to escort her to President Hoover’s election party.

I’m sorry, Harold, but this could never work. My cat obviously doesn’t approve of you.

Your intoxicating beauty has made me forget my problems, my inhibitions, my wallet. Would you mind picking up the check?

Do you have any “Get off the internet or I’m dumping you” cards?

Let’s put it this way, I’ve enjoyed dating you, but I’ve decided to upgrade.

If bruno here doesn’t attack and chew you to bits, then I’ll know you’re the one.

I’m tired of talking about me. Why don’t you talk about me for awhile.